yes, one who studies daily motions…perhaps that is what I could print on a business card. People ask me all the time what it is that I do. I do many, many things. I’m a writer, artist, coffeeshop owner, mother, a general doer, I’d say….but I like this new title of “ephimerist”, It has a good ring to it. I’m still working on my packing list, which is getting quite expensive….I may have to ask friends to start borrowing camping equipment rather than buying it. Here’s another poem I’d like to share:
Ephemeral Thoughts
The water feels thicker now….
drip, drip, drip.
Each drip bringing purity;
My mind, the filter.
The dark, course grounds of my memory,
recycled into my garden;
fertilizing future growth and richer soil.
A thought ephemerally grown in the mind,
once written lasts into eternity.
Like a photo of an evanescent flower,
To relish and share until….
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